Co kilka zdań przerywam opowiadanie listą użytych wyrazów tak, aby czytanie i znalezienie wyrazów było łatwiejsze. Zwróć uwagę na to, że fantastyka jest częścią mojej Tożsamości Językowej o której przeczytasz klikając tutaj. Zerknij i przeczytaj ten artykuł, gdyż jest on ogromnie ważny w kwestii nauki nowego słownictwa. Zaczynajmy!
Those events took place in a small town named Żywiec, around 1596th year, in the southern regions of the Polish Crown’s lands. Whereabouts of Żywiec were mountainous and rather covered with dense woods where multiple species of animals existed.
- to take place – odbyć się
- southern – południowy
- crown – korona
- whereabouts – okolice
- mountanous – górzysty
- rather – raczej
- cover with – przykryć
- dense – gęsty
- woods – las
- multiple – dużo, multum, wiele
- species – gatunki
- exist – egzystować, żyć
The people who lived in Żywiec were farmers and woodworkers whose daily routine was hard work from dusk just until dawn. Mostly you could meet over there some cattlemen and swineherds living peacefully. They advanced step by step and yard by yard into the woods transforming the fields covered with coniferous trees into the pastures. However, they feared something and it prevented them from going too far away. They were afraid of the mountains’ peaks where they scarcely ventured.
- woodworker – pracownik w lesie
- daily – codzienny
- routine – rutyna
- dusk – brzask, wschód
- down – zachód
- mostly – głównie
- cattlemen – pracownicy przy bydle (cattle)
- swineherd – osoby wypasające świnie (swine)
- peacefully – spokojnie
- step by step – krok po kroku
- yard by yard – jard za jardem
- to advance – nacierać, iść na przód
- field – pole
- coniferous – iglasty
- pasture – pastwisko
- to fear – bać się, strach
- to prevent from – zapobiegać
- to be afraid of – bać się czegoś
- peak – szczyt
- scarcely – ledwie, rzadko
- to venture – ryzykować, ośmielać się
— Up there, these lands are haunted. It is not our land. It is a homeland of the mountains’ queens who dwell on each summit of every bigger mountain! — a bearded and bulky man used to say whenever this subject was brought up in the tavern.
— Witches! — yelled another man swiping down his mouth, soggy with ale.
— It’s truth, what he says. I saw one of them flying from Barania Mountain to Skrzyczne. The fire on Barania had already burned and then GREEN flames blasted out into the night sky on Skrzyczne. — excited voice stated quickly and a vigorous talk began.
- land – ziemia
- haunted – nawiedzony
- queen – królowa
- dwell – zamieszkiwać
- each – każdy z osobna
- summit – szczyt
- bearded – brodaty
- bulky – przypakowany
- whenever – kiedykolwiek
- subject – temat
- to bring up (brought up) – wynieść, wywlec, poruszyć (temat)
- tavern – tawerna, karczma
- witch – wiedźma
- to yell – krzyczeć
- to swipe – wycierać
- mouth – twarz
- soggy – mokry
- ale – rodzaj piwa, piwo
- truth – prawda
- to fly – latać
- fire – ogień
- to burn – płonąć
- flame – płomień
- to blast – wybuchnąć
- excited – podniecony
- voice – głos
- to state – stwierdzić
- vigorous – żywy
These people loved to talk about different stories and legends that took place in their area. There were so many wonders and phenomena that they could not explain; every day you might hear something new!
- wonders – dziwy
- phenomena – zjawiska (l.poj. phenomenon)
- might – móc
I slowly sipped my beer, listening to a robust blond young woman. She spoke vividly about some ghost who hunts down the harvesters in wheat fields. This place was wonderful. The inn seemed rather newly built with a huge hearth in the middle of the main chamber. It was not lit given that it was early and the night was pretty warm anyway. I had always been skeptical about all these things. I mean, the peasants often saw one thing and their imagination served them a distorted picture. Personally, I believed what I saw and that made sense to me. And at that moment I didn’t know yet that I am truly going to witness what they described.
- to sip – pić małymi łyczkami
- robust – krzepki
- vivid – żywy, obrazowy
- to hunt down – upolować
- harvester – kosiarz
- wheat – pszenica
- wonderful – wspaniały
- inn – gospoda
- huge – olbrzymi
- hearth – palenisko
- chamber – izba, pokój
- to light (lit) – zapalić, świecić
- warm – ciepły
- peasant – chłop, wieśniak
- imagination – wyobraźnia
- a bit – trochę, kawałek
- distorted – zniekształcony
- picture – obraz
- truly – naprawdę
- to witness – być świadkiem, doświadczyć
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